That this council:

·         agrees the importance of including young people’s voices in decision-making and commends the recent work on a ‘youth engagement’ action plan, which was created with young people themselves who worked hard on this initiative to ensure young voices have greater influence

·         commends the work of young people at the forefront of the Black Lives Matter movement, the Youth Climate Strikes, and in organising the Youth Climate Assembly

·         thanks Brighton and Hove Youth Council, YouthWise and Children in Care Council for their work in formally representing young people within council structures and recognises their importance

·         reaffirms its prior commitment to votes at 16

This council therefore:

·         agrees, subject to Children, Young People & Skills Committee approval, to sign up to the ‘Power of Youth Charter’, using the youth engagement report as a basis for showing how we will meet its aims

·         requests the Children, Young People & Skills Committee receive a yearly report on actions taken against the Charter across the council

·         commits to using our communication channels as councillors and political parties to support the work of young people, as per the charter

·         calls for a report to Children, Young People & Skills Committee, no later than April 2021, that:

o   assesses the methods the Council uses to engage with young people;

o   seeks to improve our communication with young people through a collaborative process; and

o   explores how young people are consulted and their views considered in all local policy decisions that impact them.